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Allah has created everything on the earth for people, so he allows and requires Muslims to use the materials on the earth as much as possible to decorate themselves beautifully and dress more carefully. For this is the same acceptance of Allah's gift as enjoying all the good food that Allah has created. Only by accepting and enjoying all that Allah has given, can we feel Allah's kindness to mankind. The basic principle of Islam in clothing is to follow nature, not pursue luxury, but pay attention to frugality, cleanliness, and beauty.
Islam believes that the purpose of clothes is nothing more than to cover the body (especially the shy body), keep out the cold, and decorate. The primary purpose is to cover the body. Covering the body is a sign that human beings pay attention to civilization and distinguish themselves from other animals. It is a devil-like ugly behavior to intentionally expose shame.
Both cold protection and sun protection are necessary measures to protect the human body. Clothing is the basic means of such measures. Therefore, clothes should not be gorgeous but should be selected according to the local climate and the actual situation of the local clothing materials.
The purpose of wearing is to cover the body and decorate. Islam opposes wearing gorgeous clothes to show that it is superior to others, swaggering and treating others arrogantly.
Islam allows women to wear and use all things that can adorn and beautify them, and allows women to wear all clothes that are suitable for their temperament.
Islam believes that women's body parts, except their hands, feet, and face, are all shy and must be covered. Since it is required to cover shyness, women are not allowed to wear transparent and translucent clothes that can show women's beauty.
The reason why Islam forbids men to wear silk fabrics and gold ornaments is of social significance. Because these two things are symbols of luxury. Islam is against luxury and corruption, which will lead to the decline and destruction of a nation.
Each religion has its characteristics in terms of thought, speech, living habits, and clothing, to prevent other religious ideas from seeping into its teachings and interfering with its own believers' beliefs. Therefore, Muslims are warned not to imitate or envy the clothes of other religious believers.
The so-called "imitation" includes a man disguised as a woman or a woman disguised as a man in terms of speech, behavior, walking, clothing, etc. Because the Prophet Muhammad had forbidden men to dress up as women; A woman dresses up as a man.
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